The Promotion API allows you to create coupon codes for promotions and retrieve usage information about existing coupon codes.
You need to include your API key with each request, as a header or a parameter. Please refer to the Authentication page for details.
List Promotions
To list all promotional coupon codes in your account use:<account_name>&api_key=your_api_key
The table below describes the possible input values that can be used as URL parameters in this API:
Parameter | Value |
api_key | The administrator API Key for the account the schedule belongs too. You can also omit this field and use HTTP Basic Authentication or an MD5 hash instead. |
limit | (Optional) Indicate the maximum number of results you want returned. For large requests you can make multiple requests and add an offset parameter to page through the results |
account_name | Account name (not your email address) |
To retrieve information about a single coupon code use:<promotion_code>&account=<account_name>&api_key=your_api_key
If the request is successful then you can expect the following result in JSON when you retrieve multiple promotions:
[ { "code": "promo-code-1", "description": "...", "usage": 0 }, { "code": "promo-code-2", "description": "...", "usage": 10 } ]
You’ll see the following JSON when you retrieve a single promotion:
{ "code": "promo-code-1", "description": "...", "usage": 0 }
Parameter | Value |
code | The coupon code |
description | The description text, if any |
usage | The number of times the code has been used |
in the
URLs above with promotions.xml
Duplicate a promotion code
The table below describes some possible input values that can be used as URL parameters in this API:
Parameter | Value |
id | New promotion code that you want to create |
api_key | The administrator API Key for the account the schedule belongs too. You can also omit this field and use HTTP Basic Authentication or an MD5 hash instead. |
account_name | Account name |
template_code | The promotion code that you want to duplicate |